Linux Fonts / 字体支持

It's usually this case that we choose to install an OS in minimal mode because it only costs little resource.


If our environment is totally in EN, there won't be any mistake.

如果我们的系统只需要支持 英文环境, 那么一切都会OK。

Unfortunately, we have to do L10N, especially in Asia. Missing basic fonts would make whole result totally a mess.

但是,常常出现的情况是 我们要做本地化。 缺失基本的字体 会使得整个系统一团糟。

Recently I have encountered such a situation that the PDF report generated by phantomjs cannot show Chinese character.

最近我遇到了一个问题就是,使用 phantomjs 去生成PDF 报告。但是这个报告却不能够呈现中文。

After I searched on Google and implemented some suggestions, I found that the following steps are the solutions.


1. Install fontconfig / 安装 fontconfig

However, I found it optional. Because I tried to ignore this step in a Docker environment, and found that it still works correctly.

不过这一步似乎是可选的,因为我们docker 环境下 忽略了这一步。

yum -y install fontconfig

2. Copy fonts / 拷贝字体

Find a fully installed OS and go to the corresponding folder /usr/shared/fonts In this folder, we will see lots fonts:

从一个完整安装的系统上 去 拷贝对应的字体文件夹。 这个文件夹里面有很多的字体。

abattis-cantarell         lklug             lohit-punjabi        sil-abyssinica
cjkuni-uming              lohit-assamese    lohit-tamil          sil-nuosu
default                   lohit-bengali     lohit-telugu         sil-padauk
dejavu                    lohit-devanagari  madan                smc
gnu-free                  lohit-gujarati    nhn-nanum            stix
google-crosextra-caladea  lohit-kannada     open-sans            thai-scalable
google-crosextra-carlito  lohit-malayalam   opensymbol           ucs-miscfixed
jomolhari                 lohit-marathi     overpass             vlgothic
khmeros                   lohit-nepali      paktype-naskh-basic  wqy-microhei
liberation                lohit-oriya       paratype-pt-sans     wqy-zenhei

Copy them to new Env, things will work OK.

将这些字体拷贝到新的环境中,就能 渲染出正常的字体。


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Brian Shen